Disc Tension (International Reels)


Penn Parts Dept.
©Mystic Reel Parts

On the 16's, 20's, 30's and 50's Penn uses five different part numbers for their disc clutch tension settings.(free-spool versus drag ratio) Any combination of the disc clutch springs can be used in each reel depending on your desired results.

It is very important not to loose track of which disc clutch spring is which; they all look the same but differ 1/2 thousandths in thickness.

We have all the disc clutch springs in stock. By inverting the disc clutch springs, you can create additional tension patterns.

The Penn 80's have two choices available. Part numbers: 18-80 (Thin), 18-80W (Thick)

The Penn 130's have one choice available. Part number: 18-130

For the 12, 16, 20, 30, 50's including 'S' series have 5 possible choices:

REEL Model
Use as Standard
12, 16S
20, 30
18-20 .021 THICK
20T, 30S, 30T
30VSW, 30VW
975, 975CS
18-30 .028 THICK
50T, 50S, 50SW
50, 50TW, 50W
50VSW, 50VSX, 50VW
18-50w .032 THICK
30SW, 30TW, 30VSX 18-30tw .035 THICK
10KG, 10LD, 15KG, 15LD, 24KG
50S, 50SW, 50TW
50VSW, 50VSX, 50VW
GLD20, GLD20ii, GLD30
GLD30ii, GLD50ii
18-50tw .037 THICK

Are all the same basic shape, however, different strength disc clutch springs.

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